I'm Olivia Hops and welcome to my channel! Today’s video is about my Top 10 Female Autistic Traits.
In this video, I talk about 10 autistic traits that affect me on a regular basis and share my experience getting diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at 24 years old. I go over my sensory issues, from needing certain sheets to not eating certain foods to not being able to go to movie theaters. I also cover a TMI topic: gut issues! They're related to autism. Who knew?! I also talk about a very common autism trait: having a hard time with change.
Many times when boys and girls have similar autistic traits, males get diagnosed, but females often do not. Females tend to get diagnosed only when their autistic traits are significantly and visibly debilitating. Clinicians are missing many girls who are on the less disabling end of the autism spectrum because we are often so good at hiding our autistic traits.
Although these traits are very common in girls and women, boys and men can have them, too! Traits are not exclusive to one gender. Also, please remember that not everyone will have these traits. Every autistic person is different, just like every neurotypical person is! And just because you have some of these traits does not make you autistic, and just because you DON'T have some of these traits doesn't make you NOT autistic. Only a doctor can officially diagnosis.
Girls are so often misdiagnosed or go undiagnosed with autism until well into adulthood. Please help spread awareness to girls and women on the spectrum by sharing this video. My goal with this video is to help other people "figure themselves out," just like my adult autism diagnosis did for me. Getting young girls diagnosed could change their lives and allow them to not deal with as many of the struggles I did growing up because I had no idea what was "wrong" with me.
My Top 10 Female Autistic Traits:
• Sensory Issues
• Mental Illnesses
• Inflexibility
• Difficulty/Dislike Socializing
• Selective mutism
• Black and white logical thinker
• Gut Issues
• Long-term and Short-term Memory
• Meltdowns
• Struggle with Empathy
Autism spectrum disorder is a condition that affects the way people behave, socialize, and communicate with others. This disorder is commonly referred to simply as autism. It used to be broken down into sub-types, such as Asperger’s syndrome, but it’s now treated as a condition with a wide-ranging spectrum of symptoms and severity.